Saturday, January 30, 2010
Fantasy Lantern Draft.
In response to this article I thought I'd do my own.
Real World...
Red Lantern: Rush Limbaugh
Orange Lantern: AIG (Corporations count as people now)
Sinestro Corps: Tomas Haake
Green Lantern: Jon Stewart
Blue Lantern: Barack Obama (I know it's uncreative, but it's become part of his character)
Indigo Tribe: My Mom (And probably yours deserves this one as well)
Star Saphires: Lady Gaga
Black Lantern: Ronald Regan (Imagine having to go through an immortal RR, that would be terrifying)
From Movies...
Red Lantern: Black Mamba (Kill Bill)
Orange Lantern: Patrick Bateman
Sinestro Corps: That Girl from Shutter (The Thai Original)
Green Lantern: The Zohan
Blue Lantern: Roger Rabbit
Indigo Tribe: The Na'vi (This is the obvious one, but damnit they deserve it)
Star Saphire: Eva (From Wall-E)
Black Lantern: Wash (Serenity)
Marvel Comics
Red Lantern: Wolverine (No one has been angrier for so long)
Orange Lantern: The Kingpin
Sinestro Corps: Mr. Sinister
Green Lantern: Charles Xavier
Blue Lantern: Spider Man
Indigo Tribe: Aunt May (I don't know who to put for this one)
Star Saphire: Mary Jane (I'm not overly steeped in Marvel Canon, sorry)
Black Lantern: (I don't know who's dead right now that's important, they may just be a Skrull)
DC Comics (Not including the actual Lanterns)
Red Lantern: Hawkman (or 90s Aquaman)
Orange Lantern: Lobo (Greed is more than just Hoarding)
Sinestro Corps: Darkseid
Green Lantern: Dr. Fate
Blue Lantern: Robin (All of them)
Indigo Lantern: Accomplished Perfect Physician
Star Saphire: Isis
Black Lantern: Mandrakk
Various Other Comics
Red Lantern: Deathblow
Orange Lantern: The Comedian
Sinestro Corps: The Spectre (From the EC days)
Green Lantern: Bandit (WE3)
Blue Lantern: Blythe (Air)
Indigo Tribe: Black Orchid (The Gaiman/McKean version anyway)
Star Saphire: Promethea
Black Lantern: (I don't have one for this one sorry)
Comics Industry
Red Lantern: Frank Miller
Orange Lantern: Chris Yost
Sinestro Corps: Grant Morrison (He writes scary good)
Green Lantern: James Robinson
Blue Lantern: Geoff Johns
Indigo Lantern: Amanda Connor (I don't know for this one)
Star Saphire: Alan Moore (No one has more love for Comics, sorry for putting that image in your head though)
Black Lantern: Jack Kirby
Video Games
Red Lantern: Marcus (Gears of War)
Orange Lantern: Garret (Thief)
Sinestro Corps: Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
Green Lantern: Altier (Assassin's Creed)
Blue Lantern: James Sunderland (Silent Hill 2)
Indigo Tribe: Lulu (Final Fantasy X)
Star Saphire: Bayonetta
Black Lantern: Sonic
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
DC Comics Review: The Phantom Stranger #42 (Blackest Night)
(End Spoilers)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Chris Yost's Run on Red Robin
However back to Chris Yost, and Red Robin. Drake started out wanting to be Robin for the sake of studying under Batman's tutelage as a detective, not so much as an ass kickin' crime fighter; though I'm sure for all kids his age that was a damn nice bonus. This backstory was a nice change from everyone's motivations stemming from tragedy. Eventually though tragedy did catch up to Tim when each of his parents were taken by crime. But unlike most heroes who used it to keep pushing forward as a hero. (I mean this as this is now entirely what motivates them, like Batman, or the 2814 Green Lanterns initially). Tim moves past it, taking time off from being Robin, and going through a completely reasonable lashing out at the world period. A few real life years later, the man who adopted Tim was killed by the god of all evil (the most fucking badass way for Batman to go, and you know it!) Tim once again goes into denial and sets out on a morally questionable journey to prove that Bruce is still alive, and now here come all kinds of problems.
Just to start with something positive before I pour bile all over Yost...Everything he's done so far has been a very good attempt. He's been trying to play to the fact that Tim is a detective, however he just isn't Brad Meltzer, or a pre tragedy Jeph Leob, in that he just can't seem to write a good, unpredictable, compelling mystery. Ok, so Tim doesn't think Bruce is dead. That's fine, now here is where you would present the why, other than denial. I understand he's upset and might not be thinking clearly, but a detective of Tim's caliber would need more than the corpse of Batman to run off and search for Bruce. That's the next thing; the story on his hunt for Bruce Wayne makes absolutely no sense. He's in Germany, Paris, Iraq, then BAM! he has the Bat that Bruce drew on the cave wall at the end of Final Crisis #7. We don't know what he found in the previous countries, we don't know how the fuck he got to this specific cave. Moreover Ra's Al Ghul is trailing Tim, presumably to find Batman's corpse and put it in a Lazarus pit (Though I think that's what they're going to do in Batman and Robin, but that's Grant Morrison so it will be good).
Overall the story just wreaks of lazy storytelling. The characterisation isn't bad, with Tim constantly reassuring himself he's not crazy. But the problem is the Audience already knows what no one else in the DCU knows; that Batman isn't dead. So to keep hammering that home becomes very frustrating to read. This is compounded by the fact that Tim rarely interacts with anyone who makes him feel like he's crazy. Brief stints with Wonder Girl, and Spoiler who just want to help him, but then he turns brash saying that he has to do this alone for absolutely no good reason.
As an older person than the demographic that Drake is sort of aimed at, I try not to let his angst get to me too much though it is bothersome at times. But back to just basic storytelling problems, Yost just doesn't give any reason or means for these mysteries to be solved. The council of spiders arc was fair enough. But it was in the end a series of punch ups and then suddenly Tim blew up Ra's computer network. It was entirely stupid and really just didn't offer anything new to the character, the Bat-verse, the DCU, or comic books as a whole. And while not every comic needs to be a watchmen or promethea; Red Robin takes a very central character in the Bat-verse, in a very strange time in this world, and does absolutely nothing with it. It's a costume change, and a slight personality change, but no real character development, even in the vein of comics where everything is reset.
I still don't know what to say about Yost as a writer. While I want to replace his skin with styrofoam for making such a stupid arc on Red Robin, his One issue stint on Titans spotlighting Starfire was not all that bad. Neither was his run on The Streets of Gotham. So who knows? This is a book that you should skip. Unless of course you have some disposable income and would just like to see something crash and burn. If you would like to see a slightly less irritating Tim Drake depiction, pick up Adventure Comics #3, or Blackest Night Batman.
Also I know that its ironic that I criticize Yost for having all kinds of plot holes and simplistic writing, while my own writing style is splotchy. I'm working on it, and also I'm not a professional, so yeah....
Friday, January 15, 2010
Marvel Offering Variant Seige #3 Covers.
Monday, January 11, 2010
DC Comics Review: Batman Doc Savage Special
Thursday, January 7, 2010
DC Graphic Novel Review: Arkham Asylum a Serious house on Serious Earth

Morrison this time is delving into the more psychological aspects of Batman. Not so much his motivations, those have been explored to death by the 1950s. But what Drives Batman? Is he really insane? Or does he have control over any and all situations. The other story being explored is that of Amadeus Arkham, and how his Mother's mental illness and eventual death galvanised him into founding Arkham Asylum. Among other things, Grant's fascination with Magic, and symbolism in all its forms takes a huge overtone in this. Unfortunately that side I won't be able to delve much into due to my own ignorance of that subject matter. However that alone is a good reason why this book is so great and so re-readable, always something new to find.
Starting in the past with the Death of Amadeus Arkham's mother to set the ground for Arkham's motivations for starting the Asylum. We then jump to the present where Commissioner Gordon has called Batman to warn him of trouble at Arkham Asylum. Joker Demands that Batman come to the Asylum alone or else he and the other somehow freed inmates. Batman in and the trouble ensues. Meanwhile Arkham's storyline is similar to that of Batman, though diverging at a certain point, and connecting in the end. That's Basically it, I really don't want to spoil anything here. Like most comic book plots it's based on a very simple idea, however with characters that are about 60 years old at this point, keeping them fresh is the challenge that makes these books still worth reading.
This is where everything shines. Dave McKean gives us everything from haunting shadiness, Beautiful backgrounds, obscured darkness, Hebrew Symbology, Steampunk Machines, and haunting blots. I would argue that the artwork is where the story really lies. As the story is mostly about Madness, the art reflects the mad and schizophrenic tones of the story. This is where I really want to detail things so keep with me please.
The first notable thing is the use of basic shapes. This story is very much about Place. Obviously the main setting being Arkham Asylum, there are frequent references to the Asylum being home, both for Batman and for Amadeus himself. However the Madness of each character is very different. This is displayed through shapes, The sane and more rational characters, like Batman, and Amadeus early in the story are very boxy, house-like, representing that they are the ones able to contain the madness. However as the events in Arkham's life get worse he begins to embrace a less structurally sound round physique. This is of course to say nothing of the Joker who is displayed with almost nothing being symmetrical, a comically large head, and even more ridiculous erratic hair.
Other important notes of artwork are things that are obscured vs things that are deliberately shown. Throughout most of the story, most of the Bat suit is pretty obscured by either shadow, or other blurry effects, meanwhile Batman's very prominent human feature (His Jaw) is almost always what you can see clearly. (I'll leave it to you to figure out why it is, there are at least two opposite reasons, both of them are right). The final thing I'll mention about the artwork is that people will find it very hard to make out at most points. I say that is the point. Batman blurs the line between the rational and the irrational and has to hope that the greater good always prevails. But what is real and what is crazy is a burden for Bruce Wayne alone.
Final Thoughts
Obviously I recommend you get this story. I wouldn't say it's a great introduction to Batman, but once you're a slightly seasoned reader I demand that you get this. Obviously if you're older than me you probably have it. This comic is about 21 years old now so most people have it or don't. But hell, I've got to start my reviewing life somewhere so here we go. In terms of the music that should be playing when you read this go with The Mantle by Agalloch it is some very haunting folk metal that compliments this entire story perfectly. To sum everything up, if you like a deep story that will have you question what goes on in your own mind then pick this up. If you're more a fan of just traditional superhero beat em' ups where the good guys win then skip out on this one. Then throw yourself off of a bridge for being so afraid of good things.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Review: Final Crisis Requiem

Yes so I'm starting my reviews way behind the times, but hell; this is a test run. Final Crisis Requiem is a homage to Jonn J'onzz The Martian Manhunter. Written By Peter Tomasi, Drawn by Doug Mahnke, and inked by Christian Alamy and Rodney Ramos (Man it's weird typing most of those in lowercase).
I'll start off with some preliminaries. Jonn is my favorite superhero. He has all the powers of Superman, with twice the tragedy of Kal-El, and Bruce Wayne combined. The only person who has lost more would be Power Girl (Kara Zor-L). As a fan I would say that this is a pretty faithful

Minor Plot Points given away in this part, just a heads up.
In terms of being a new story for people to get into, I'd say this one is a little bit inaccessable. There are references to a lot of different past comics and series'. Elastic Man squeezing Dr. Light is the most obvious one, calling back to Identity Crisis. Captain Marvel forcing Sivana to eat worms may be a reference to Kingdom Come (an out of Continuity Story, though the reference could come from elsewhere and I wouldn't get it). Who Batman is making out with still elludes me, but it's funny and refreshing in such a dark scene and issue. This issue would be good for someone trying to make up their mind on the Martian Manhunter, as almost his whole story is on display here, to say nothing for his powers, compassion, and connections with all of the big hitters in the DCU.
A couple of notable points regarding the plot: Having Nightwing find his dead body was brilliant, Grayson is second to Jonn' in terms of having the most contacts in the DC Universe, and so it would be fitting that he finds him.
-When Green Arrow and Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) are talking, it's a nice callback to the old brave and bold dynamic of Hal wanting to do anything in his power to punish the guilty as harshly as possible with Ollie holding back his bloodlust (I know it's a bit strong of a word) in order to push forward with what's actually right.
-The Final Page is very powerful, with an Unmasked Batman placing a Choco on Jonn's grave, followed by Jonn being united with his whole family for the first time in thousands, possibly millions of years (Depending on who's writing).
End Potential Spoilers
Artwork: Doug Manhke is a pro for sure. The man pays very close attention to detail, not only of the characters, but the backgrounds as well. The place where the Confrontation goes down there is noticable trash around. The Martian Symbology is well defined, and the Blood-red moon is gorgeous. Now that I'm finally putting things on the internet though, I finally need to ask this. What the hell is this man's deal with cheekbones? This is one thing that really throws me out of the experience. Cartoony art I can deal with, guys who's abs have abs (I'm looking at you Ed McGuiness) I can handle that as well. Manhke though is so close to perfect, especially when they let him loose on something like Superman Beyond (I will do a full review of the Final Crisis Hardcover at some point). But the cheekbones man, scale them back please. Beyond that fantastic job. Jonn looks human enough to be relatable, but when they zoom in on his face, his alien features show through very nicely.
Final Thoughts: Wonderful issue. While it's not necessary to have to understand Final Crisis (and yes it is understandable), it's still good to have if you keep up with the DC universe and would like to see more than just a footnote about the guy who has been in every version of the justice league. I would not recommend this to new readers, unless of course for some bizarre reason they're interested in the Martian Manhunter. Artwork is overall fantastic, save for the canyon-like cheekbones. The story is solid, though Tomasi sometimes has a hard time transitioning voices between characters. (Something that really bit him in the ass on the Outsiders). Pick it up if you have some spare change, or your comic shop still has one lying around. If you're a first time Reader and would like some real insight to the Martian, Try The Others Among Us or the Fernus storyline from JLA and see how you like that.
It's nice to see a character I love treated with respect. When/if he comes back I would love to see either a mini series or graphic novel depicting all of his years. Treating him something more like a Dr. Manhattan-like immortal. He could have been around for so much, the Early Green Lantern Corps, Krypton (Is it really reasonable to believe that he would stay and weep on his planet for Five Million years instead of taking on aspects of a Sun Eater (The 52 style ones) and travel the universe in search of new lives. Sinestro subjugating Korugar (SP). All kinds of past events of the DC Universe. One final note to make this a little more interesting than other reviews, especially since this was much more dull than I intended it to be (I will work on that though, I promise). Some good music to listen to would be something that is dark at first, but goes to a lighter mood later in the Song. Cynic's The Space for This is one idea. It's not perfect but it worked for me.
Some notes.
Marvel does too much to emulate the real world, and I'm just not personally into that. They do have a nice cast of Characters, Spider Man obviously, The X-Men, Captain America, Dr. Strange, Howard the Duck. All of which I would love to explore in the future, and very well may, once I have more money.
DC though to me, just gives a nice blend of sci-fi, gritty realism, campiness, and fantasy throughout all their titles. And with the Exception of Wonder Woman, 4/5 of their Main Franchises are quite solid right now.
So now that I've knocked out some of the preliminary things, lets try to get a review up for this first day. Keep in mind my reviews may be a bit inconsistent format wise for a little while, as I try out a couple different things.
Hello and Welcome

Alright, like most people of my Age, I figured it would be about time to put my opinions and interests on the internet for all to see. This blog however will probably be exclusively dealing with Comic books and the like. It's become a relatively recent nerd obsession of mine, since my DnD group has disbanded, School has been insultingly easy, and I find the comic book (Namely Superhero) mythos fascinating. I have a strong penchant for artistic and literary analysis without being a professional at either. And while my writing is no-where near great, I feel it's adequate enough to satisfy the needs of the internet. So if you're a stumbler, or someone who likes to mash his or her keyboard in order to find websites. Stay tuned for some hopefully fun reviews, comic book news/rumours, and other interesting and nerdy things (comic related, or otherwise)
Thank You (and More info coming soon)